react native React Native: Deprecated API Usage Apple warning So you've uploaded your latest build based on the React Native framework and BEHOLD - you've received a mail from Apple that reads: > ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage -
iOS CocoaPods - Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries There seems to be an issue with CocoaPods and XCode 10 where CocoaPods would force *Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries* to *NO*.
android Using Facebook Audience? Time to almost panic Facebook has dropped quite the grenade last week. In an obscure blog post on the Audience Network blog [] , FB has announced some major mandatory updates that
iOS Debugging iOS SSL traffic After dealing with sniffing Android SSL traffic, let's do the same for iOS. Don't forget to read the warning at the bottom! Setting up the environment We need to
xcode Handling "Missing Push Notification Entitlement" AppStore error After upgrading from XCode 7.x to 8.x, while submitting our app to the AppStore, we've encountered the following error: > Missing Push Notification Entitlement - Your app appears to